Reference Series Table of Contents For This Issue

How Computers Work, Part I
August 2001• Vol.5 Issue 3
Page(s) 1 in print issue

Inside (& Outside) The PC
Start Your Digital Education Here
So you want to learn more about computer technologies and how they work. Well, you’ve got lots of company. Every week we get calls from people wanting to buy a copy of “How Computers Work, Part 1,” a Reference Series issue that we first printed a couple of years ago. As with all our popular issues, we ran out of back issue copies a long time ago, but readers keep on calling. Thus, the reason for this special reprint.

Whether you’re a dyed-in-the-wool geek or just a curious luddite, learning more about the technologies that you use everyday is a good idea. After all, Internet bubbles may come and go, but digital technology is here to stay.

Half of the homes in the United States now have online access, and nearly two-thirds have PCs. Despite the collapse of dot-com mania in the states, worldwide Internet use continues to grow in leaps and bounds. New generations of digital devices are providing video, audio, and mainstream computing capabilities to people at home or on the road. Home networking, wireless access, and other developments are looming ever larger on the horizon.

In short, new computing products and services are going to continue springing up in your life. Your knowledge of how new technologies work will directly affect how much benefit these new products and services give you.

A lot has happened in the computing industry in the last couple of years. Not only are CPUs faster and hard drives bigger, but new standards and product categories have emerged and evolved. We have completely updated all of the articles in this issue to reflect these changes. In the Hardware section, you’ll learn about the various components and peripherals that make up the typical personal computer system. The Software section will introduce you to several important programming technologies and concepts. The Systems & Processes section will teach you about a number of diverse subjects, including global positioning systems, voice recognition, and artificial intelligence. Finally, the Internet section will reveal the technologies behind the global web of networks.

As was true with our first printing of this issue, all the articles are fully illustrated and written in plain English. No matter how much you know—or don’t know—about computers, you will be able to understand and learn the basics and beyond from this magazine.

If this is the first time you have run across one of our publications, we suggest you take a look at other Reference Series issues. You also should check out our sister publications: Smart Computing, the Guide Series, and the Learning Series. These other publications are monthly computing magazines that you can find at newsstands nationwide. Smart Computing is also available by subscription. For subscription information, please call (800) 733-3809.

Want to give us some feedback about this issue? If you have any pats on the back or whomps on the head you’d like to send our way, feel free to contact our editorial staff. We enjoy hearing from readers, and your comments and suggestions help us to improve future issues. We can be reached in several ways:

mail: How Computers Work
Smart Computing
131 West Grand Drive
Lincoln, NE 68521


fax: (402) 479-2104

phone: (800) 544-1264

Digital technology doesn’t stand still, and we don’t plan to, either. As long as manufacturers keep producing new computing products and services, we’ll be there to educate you about how they work and how to use them.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy this issue.  

Ron Kobler

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