Logotipo e link para a Universidade do Minho

Parallel & Distributed Computing
MSc Informatics Eng
 A. Proença

Vista da Rua do Souto no Séc. XVI


Intellectual property & Copyright
| Lecturers | Objectives | Learning outcomes | Syllabus | Bibliography | Lectures: CSP  PCP NMA Proj | Assessment

(Previous year (in Pt): 2010/2011)

Last modified: 06 Dez 2011

 departamento de informática


  1. Work assignment in CSP: please read the details in the webpage with the lecture material for CSP. 25-Nov-11

  2. Contact by email: please note that the lecturer's team has lately contacted the UC students through the mailing list "cpd1112@di.uminho.pt", that contains the email addresses of all students that requested an account in the SeARCH cluster; however, this list is still lacking some students, so the missing students please request a SeARCH account asap through the search_admin mailing list. 24-Nov-11

  3. Schedule for the whole semester: the table with this schedule is available here, and it will be updated whenever new data is available.

  4. Advanced Training Course on CUDA: under the collaboration program between Portugal and the Texas Advanced Computing Center at University of Texas in Austin (TACC/UTA), a 4h+4h training course on CUDA programming (for GPU) is being scheduled for videoconferencing on two consecutive Tuesday afternoon, on 29-Nov-11 and 06-Dez-11, for all students attending this curricular unit. (08-Nov-11)

  5. Invited talks: as announced on the opening session, each week till the end of November the lecturer team will invite a science/engineering researcher from industry or academy to give a talk on his/her work project and interests, aiming to motivate students with ideas for projects for the 1st and 2nd term; those that show relevant success may become dissertation themes to be offered to interested students.
    So far, these events had the following activities:
    04-Oct-11, 14h-16h: Stéphane Clain (CM/UM), From modelling to numerical simulation (slides)
    11-Oct-11, 14h-16h: Nuno Micaêlo (CQ/UM), Increasing the realism of molecular dynamics simulations: incorporation of fast electrostatic calculations using GPU devices
    18-Oct-11, 14h-16h: Carlos Manta Oliveira (Critical Health), Retmaker: possible topics for hybrid GPU/CPU processing
    25-Oct-11, 14h-16h: António Onofre (LIP/UM) and Miguel Oliveira (LIP/UC), Optimization processes in High Energy Physics: challenges in LHC
    (slides) and Grid Computing  (slides)
    08-Nov-11, 14h-16h: Luís Marques (CF/UM), Simulation methods in Physics: Core concepts
    15-Nov-11, 14h-16h: Miguel Nóbrega (IPC/UM), Computer Aided Design and Optimisation of Polymer Processing Tools
    22-Nov-11, 14h-16h: Eduardo Pereira (CF/UM), Superdiffusion and Lévy flights
    29-Nov-11, 11h-13h: Manuel Melle (CCTC/UM), Realistic modelling of carbon nanotubes , graphene, and other carbon nanomaterials

  6. Presentation slides: a copy of the slides that were shown to advertise this course are here.  (03-Oct-11)

  7. Additional activities: beyond lectures and discussion classes, students are supposed to (i) attend international workshops or similar events in Braga or Porto, in topics related to Advanced Computing and (ii) work in a research 5-week internship (min) at the University of Texas, in Austin (all travel and accommodation expenses to be covered by the institution. For more information, consult previous year website. (03-Oct-11)

  8. How this UCE will work: this UCE is organized in 2011/12 into 3 thematic modules - which will run in parallel during semester 1 before Christmas, and during the first weeks of semester 2 -  and 1 project-oriented module. Semester 1 will focus on computing systems, parallelism and efficiency/performance, while semester 2 will have a stronger numerical component connected to applications in scientific computing, and the main part on project work. The project work in semester 1 will basic stress training studies in application performance evaluation, based on real problems that will be discussed together with the end users. (03-Oct-11)

  9. Official website: the official website for this course will be at http://gec.di.uminho.pt/minf/cpd/, a virtual URL while the academic year lasts; the real URL is http://gec.di.uminho.pt/minf/cpd1112/ ; some material will be repeated at the institutional e-learning platform (https://elearning.uminho.pt/), namely materials with copyright data, since only registered students may have access to this material. (03-Oct-11)



Computing Systems & Performance (CSP)
Alberto José Proença
email: aproenca<at>di.uminho.pt

Parallel Computing Paradigms (PCP)
João Luís Sobral
email: jls<at>di.uminho.pt

Numerical Methods & Algorithms (NMA)
Rui Ralha
email: r_ralha<at>math.uminho.pt



PDC main focus lies on heterogeneous parallel computing systems and the design of efficient scientific applications.
While these systems are currently available through computer clusters, the trend is fast moving into single computing devices, which makes this course a competence training for next generation of computing systems using current systems as their close emulators.

Parallelism at multiple levels is thoroughly addressed in this course:
(i) low-level issues at instruction/data/thread levels are covered under the organization and architecture of computing systems, including multi-core CPU devices and many-core gpGPU devices, and shared & distributed access to data;
(ii) higher-level issues of thread/data/process levels of parallelism are better addressed as parallel paradigms, including methods and techniques for algorithm/program & data design, scheduling, access and distribution.

To target efficient execution of parallel algorithms and code, this course also addresses methods and techniques to evaluate performance of code execution with profilers and performance analysis tools.

A strong requirement in the design of efficient scientific applications also includes the error control, data stability/robustness, and efficient numerical methods and algorithms for heterogeneous parallel computing platforms.




Learning outcomes

A student that successfully completes PDC shoud be able to demonstrate that he/she acquired the following competences (knowledge and intellectual & practical skills):

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Algumas destas competências poderão ser mais detalhadas, de acordo com a ênfase dada em cada um dos módulos temáticos:



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Conteúdos para cada um dos módulos temáticos e para o projecto integrado:



Lecture slides and other additional notes will be supplied during the semesters.



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Intellectual Property & Copyright

This publication - including its printing facility - and associated contents - that might include parcial reproductions of external works adequately cited - is exclusively aimed at the students registered at the Multi-core and Many-core Computing course at the Doctoral Program art MAP-i, at Universidade do Minho in 2010/2011, for personal use and e-learning purposes, and they do not aim any lucrative or commercial goal. Any other reproduction, either total or partial, by any support, medium or process, namely electronics, mechanical or photographic, including photocopy, modification of the contents, its public communication, its distribution through renting, without proper consent from the authors, is illegal and may incur in legal procedures.


Webpage maintained by aproenca<at>di.uminho.pt
Last modified: 06 Dez 2011